Humanitarian Aid and Ministry in Zambia, Africa

Please support the work of our partners Zambia Messianic Fellowship and Jerome Fleischer Orphanage.

The Vision of Zambia Messianic Fellowship is:

To preach the Good News of Messiah in the dark and lonely places of Africa.

The Mission of Zambia Messianic Fellowship is:

To reach various African people groups  (Jews, Muslims, animists and others) with the life changing Good News of the Bible. To transform spiritually, socially, educationally, politically, critically distressed African countries like Zambia, by preaching the good news of Messiah, and to provide humanitarian support to the suffering people of Africa. We plan to accomplish this by:

  1. Transforming lives by the teaching of the Word of God
  2. Planting self-supporting biblically-functioning congregations and fellowships which become catalysts for development.
  3. Training and equipping indigenous  leaders in each and every new congregation.
  4. Distributing Bibles in the native tongue to new congregations and in areas having no Bibles.
  5. Encouraging and supporting already existing congregations which are struggling and lacking in leadership.
  6. Encouraging short-term trips from believers outside Zambia, who will come to teach, support, evangelize and love these people in the Name of Messiah.
  7. Taking care of  hungry, poor, abandoned, disadvantaged and orphaned children by giving them a meal and both a spiritual and secular education.
  8. Reaching out in areas that have not yet been evangelized. II Corinthians 10:16:  “To preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, for we do not want to boast about work already done in another man’s territory.”
  9. Providing spiritual and humanitarian support to the poor masses of Zambia (80% unemployed) through self supporting projects like providing water wells, treadle pumps for gardens, seed corn, fertilizer, relief food and encouraging good nutrition, basic health care and clean water.
  10. Addressing social ills like HIV/AIDS, alcoholism, the cycle of hopelessness brought about by poverty and illiteracy, helping others to move from a mentality of always receiving relief to that of earning and responsibility, addressing many other unbiblical traditions and customs, through the Word of God.


The Zambia Messianic Fellowship can be your hands and conduit here in Zambia, as you participate with us in meeting the above goals.

Click here to find out more.

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